American Outlaw
In the old wild West,
We’d camp out on the range,
Steal greenhorn ranchers’ horses…
Rob passing westbound trains…
If the lawmen ever caught us
At our hideout off the trail,
They’d hang us on the spot-
Without fail…
Those days are gone, time moves on,
This outlaw gig has changed…
Got myself a penthouse suite,
I ain’t home out on the range…
And when I gamble with your money,
Now the Feds have got my back…
They’ll tax and spend ‘til doomsday comes,
Just to keep my bank on track…
Today we fake it ‘til we make it
Live outside the lines,
If you don’t lie and cheat some
You’ll never make a dime…
It’s all there for the takin’…
That’s what it takes for makin’…an outlaw
An American Outlaw…
You could stash your gold inside a safe,
Buried in the ground…
There’s no hid money I can’t find…
Son I own this town…
The law will never stop me,
They don’t even dare to try…
‘Cause I’m a modern day
Jesse James…
Made in the USA…kinda guy…
Today we fake it ‘til we make it
Live outside the lines,
If you don’t lie and cheat some
You’ll never make a dime…
It’s all there for the takin’…
That’s what it takes for makin’…an outlaw
An American Outlaw…
Yeah locations, dates and names may change
But the story stays the same…
I’m an outlaw…
An American Outlaw…